Zahnarztpraxis Dr.K
Bocksgasse 39 · 73525 Schwäbisch Gmünd
Phone 07171-5222 · Fax 07171-68827

Inlays and Veneers

Ceramic inlays can be the right choice for tooth restoration when you want an authentic look with exceptional durability. The inlays are indistinguishable in form and color from your natural teeth, and are made from material that yields an extremely high degree of stability when chewing.

Veneers correct extreme discoloration, chipped, and uneven teeth. The improved cosmetic effect is especially apparent when the veneers are applied to the front teeth.

Hours of operation

Zahnimplantate, Implantologie, Implantate
Monday 7:30 - 19:00
Tuesday 7:30 - 19:00
Wednesday 7:30 - 19:00
Thursday 7:30 - 19:00
Friday 7:30 - 17:00


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